Zoë & Ellie

Zoë (Sallie) & Ellie are two dogs whose chains of abuse were broken by a police officer in Wadley, Georgia. Their owner was charged with felony aggravated animal cruelty.
Read the Best Friends feature story on their rescue.
Zoë was adopted by a loving family in Oregon.
Ellie was adopted by this blogger's sister & bro-in-law in Atlanta.

Their story is complete.
So many others are not.
Save a Pit Bull.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Change for Change

mis·an·thro·py, \mi-ˈsan(t)-thrə-pē\, noun: a hatred or distrust of humankind

I often worry about my growing allegiance to misanthropy. This is no way to live and I truly do not want to feel this way. Experience informs, and I have certainly witnessed repeated displays of shameful human behavior that challenge my ability to find the goodness in mankind. My outreach efforts on behalf of Sallie and Ellie have done much to pull me away from such negative perceptions. People I know, people I do not know, people I did not know but now feel that I do, have reached out to support the rescue of these two dogs, whom they may never see.

Their support has been immense. Not only for my ability to provide the significant costs of care that have accrued in this rescue, but also to remind me that the nucleus of humanity, as I wish it to be, is still very much in tact. It is just shrouded, oftentimes, by apathy, ignorance, abuse and the reactions of humans who themselves express their lives through the sieve of apathy, ignorance and abuse.

On June 8, 2009, I put out a plea for donations and we met our goal in days! Lori, Cheryl, Ariel, Stafford (all four near and dear to me) and an unknown donor from across the Atlantic contributed to make this happen.

On June 28, 2009, out went another plea and again, the outpouring of support was astounding. This time Lori and Cheryl made a second donation, joined by my old high school buddy Tyson (sometimes Facebook has it merits), dear friend Kat from NYC (and this isn't the first time this amazing woman has helped me out in a hard time--will never forget her outpouring of love after Katrina), Robert (the most generous misanthrope I know), and two generous donations from folks I don't believe I have ever met. The kindness of strangers is certainly affirming.

On July 15, 2009, the third installment went out and, again, donors showed their support for these two. This time, I did not personally know any of the donors, though one turns out to be the Kym, the incredible woman in Oregon who will foster Sallie come October.

Also, one anonymous donor sent in a generous donation in loving memory of her recently departed companion of many years. An active tribute that has certainly made a difference in the lives of Sallie and Ellie.

I chronicle all of this as evidence for my own faulty logic about humanity. People are generally good. It is the exceptions to this rule that I have been focusing on and I now make a conscious effort to look first at the positive and remember that the negative is the exception.

In addition to the direct contributions of these kind-hearted individuals, the Pit Bull Rescue Central organization donated $250 toward the cost of Sallie & Ellie's heartworm treatment. And Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue paid to have the girls spayed.

The current fundraiser will hopefully be the last. Here is a break-down of costs, donations and expenditures to date. We only need to raise $648 more to completely cover the costs of care, which have included boarding, shots, skin treatments, spays, and the oh-so-expensive treatment for heartworm disease (of which both girls have been cleared!).

(Click on the Chart to View it In Full!)

Thank you sincerely to each and every person and organization that has contributed to this effort. Your generosity has made the rescue of Sallie and Ellie possible and it has gone a long way in reminding this girl that there is a goodness in people, and it is worthy my while to look for that goodness.

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